You’ve just finished a round of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) and, if that wasn’t enough, now you’re looking at 2 weeks of waiting to know if your procedure was successful. The time frame leading up to the procedure is busy with numerous doctors appointments and staying on top of home treatments such as injections or pills, but as soon as the procedure is done it seems like there is so much open time to worry and wonder about whether you’ll receive good news. The dreaded 2-week wait can make a person feel crazy. Peek around on the internet and you’ll find you’re not alone in your feelings. There are support groups, websites, and tips galore on how to survive the dreaded two week wait. Our Connecticut reproductive and fertility center offers a few tried-and-true ideas for keeping occupied and calm during your wait:
Indulge Yourself – On days you’re feeling particularly distracted, spend a little time doing something you love. Take a long walk, make a special meal, catch a movie, or do a little window-shopping to get your mind off the possibilities of becoming, or not becoming, pregnant.
Re-align your Thoughts – Instead of riding the roller-coaster of worry, remind yourself that you are taking charge of your fertility and doing the best you can – regardless of the outcome.
Take a Trip – We realize that not everyone can or should get away after a procedure like IVF, however, with the approval of Dr. Levi, a relaxing getaway to the beach or a trip to the city can help distract your thoughts for a few days.
Breathe Deeply – Take a breath. It is very easy to spend the entire two weeks consumed in the possibilities. If you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, take deep breaths and allow yourself to relax. If you’re still struggling, a yoga or meditation class can help.
Protect Yourself Emotionally – This can mean pulling the plug on social media for a few weeks, declining invites to events where there will be babies or pregnant women, or nixing late night forum visits for symptom validation. It’s ok to remove yourself from places and people that can trigger false hope or feelings of sadness.
Keep in Contact with Your Dr. – Most women who experience treatment like artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization don’t experience any difficulties after a procedure and won’t need to visit Dr. Levi between scheduled visits. However, if you are experiencing a fever; pelvic, abdominal, leg, or neck pain; dizziness or weakness; or bright red vaginal bleeding please call our office, as they may be a sign of tubal pregnancy or infection.
The two week wait can feel grueling, but having a great support system and action plan can help alleviate the wait. If you are beginning the process of seeking reproductive assistance, our office can answer questions about common treatment options as well as provide diagnosis for issues like recurrent miscarriage or male factor infertility. Reach us by calling 855-901-BABY, or by visiting one of our offices in Fairfield, Norwalk, or Trumbull.