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Egg Donation FAQs

We understand that every couple is different, we know there isn’t a single solution that is right for everyone.

Park Avenue Fertility specializes in helping families grow as well as educating couples about the process and options they have when it comes to conceiving a healthy baby.  We will guide you through the option of egg donation so you can decide if this route is the right fit for your family.

Learn about egg donation with our egg donation FAQs

What are the most common types of fertilization used with egg donation?

Whether you consider using an anonymous donor or a directly donated egg, there are two types of fertilization methods that we may use to produce a healthy embryo. It’s important to note that, in some cases, the donated eggs are fertilized with sperm from the male partner or an anonymous (or direct) sperm donor.

Conventional insemination: With conventional insemination, the donated egg is covered by the sperm to create an embryo similar to the way it would naturally inside the womb. This method is selected depending on the way the egg has been diagnosed by our team, ensuring that we select the best possible method to fertilize the egg.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection or ICSI: The other method used to fertilize eggs is “Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection,” or ICSI. With this method, the sperm is injected into the egg which directly fertilizes it. ICSI is used in cases where the sperm has low motility or if the egg is more difficult to penetrate, though there are other factors we consider when selecting this fertilization method. Studies have found ICSI to be a safe and effective fertilization method, whether the eggs are donated or not, when used in IVF treatments.

How common are twins with egg donation?

There’s no shortage of stories in the news that chronicle a couple’s IVF journey that resulted in multiple births like twins or quintuplets. Park Avenue Fertility places the health of the mother and baby at the highest priority, so many of our patients are transferred just one embryo at a time.

Transferring one embryo is especially important if the mother is considered high-risk for health complications, as carrying multiple babies may put too much strain on her body. For these reasons, we transfer a single embryo per cycle to ensure the safety of all involved.

Are there age restrictions when considering donor eggs?

Many fertility clinics regard 51 years old as the cutoff point for egg donor services. Instead of thinking in terms of age, we at Park Avenue Fertility prefer to use a health cutoff instead. This allows us to treat more patients from a variety of ages and backgrounds as long as they are healthy enough to undergo treatment.

Because the health of our patients is our biggest concern, we screen women to ensure their bodies are healthy enough to carry a pregnancy to term. Whether they are 29, 35, or 52, it doesn’t matter—treatment depends entirely on their health status so we can safely and ethically grow their family.

For more information about donor services and other fertility treatment options, reach out to us to begin your journey to growing your family. Our caring staff would love to set up a no-risk consultation and answer all of your concerns when you’re ready.