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All About Egg Donors

Learn all about egg donors

Our Connecticut fertility center wants women to learn all about egg donors and egg donation. This exciting process can lead to financial independence and the ability to help hopeful parents build their family. One of our top priorities is to ensure egg donors have all the information they need as they embark on the life-changing journey of egg donation.

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IVF Park Avenue Fertility

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Fertility Testing and Treatment

If you’ve been trying to get pregnant without success, taking the next step to see a fertility specialist can be daunting.  You may worry about how multiple appointments will affect your work schedule.  Or, maybe you’re worried about the cost of treatment.  These are valid concerns, so choosing the right doctor and practice is very important when undergoing fertility testing and treatment.

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Fertility Park Avenue Fertility

How to Know When to Seek Fertility Treatment

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you might wonder when it’s time to see a fertility specialist.  Generally speaking, infertility is described as the inability to conceive after 12 months of having unprotected sex regularly.  For older women (usually over age 35), seeking the advice of a fertility specialist is usually recommended after 6 months of trying without success.

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Park Avenue Fertility

Fertility Options for LGBTQ Couples

Park Avenue Fertility is proud to work with the LGBTQ community. There are a number of options available to help you grow your family. Park Avenue Fertility works with sperm donors, egg donors, and surrogates in addition to performing intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), for patients who need it.  We evaluate your needs and develop a plan that is right for you.

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Fertility IVF Nutrition Park Avenue Fertility Pregnancy

When Should I Consider Egg Donation on My Fertility Journey?

There are so many factors to consider throughout your fertility journey. Should you start with an intrauterine insemination (IUI)? Will in vitro fertilization (IVF) provide a higher success rate? When, if at all, should you consider an egg or sperm donor? According to the CDC, 12% of all IVF pregnancies are achieved through egg donation.

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Family Planning with Fertility Treatments

Planning and preparing for a pregnancy, even when everything goes smoothly, is a big decision.

It goes without saying that making the choice to begin fertility treatments is a brave step in addressing infertility and working towards your fertility desires. Even in an unassisted pregnancy, future mothers or couples have to consider things like timing,

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Why Can’t I Get Pregnant?

With so many pregnancy announcements and gender reveals getting posted to social media, if you are struggling to get pregnant, it can feel like you are completely alone. Well, you are not alone!  A visit to Park Avenue Fertility and Dr. Andrew Levi will change your perspective.  When Dr. Levi meets with new patients, he listens to their history and concerns,

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Fertility Park Avenue Fertility Pregnancy

In Vitro Fertilization – Is it Right for You?

In vitro fertilization, commonly known as IVF, is a fertility treatment which involves multiple steps. First, a woman’s ovaries are stimulated with medication to produce multiple eggs. She is then closely monitored to determine the appropriate time to harvest the eggs. Once harvested, the eggs are combined with sperm, and they are grown for 5-6 days in a controlled environment that mimics the human body.

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Park Avenue Fertility