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Which Lifestyle Choices Count for Female Fertility?

If you’re in the middle of treating infertility, you’ve probably heard from concerned family or friends what feels like every variation of home remedy to solve your infertility issues. We’ve heard the gamut, from being told to eat more pistachios to just relaxing and it will happen “when the time is right.” These kinds of suggestions,

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Exercise & Wellness

How to Handle the “2-Week Wait”

You’ve just finished a round of in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) and, if that wasn’t enough, now you’re looking at 2 weeks of waiting to know if your procedure was successful. The time frame leading up to the procedure is busy with numerous doctors appointments and staying on top of home treatments such as injections or pills,

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Exercise & Wellness

Handling Insensitive Comments About Infertility

If you’ve been struggling with infertility, by now you’ve probably received your fair share of invasive comments about your number, or lack, of children. If you have no kids, people will ask you “When are you going to have a baby?” Couples with one child will hear, “Hey, don’t you want to give little joey a brother?” If you have two kids and want another people will think you’re crazy for wanting three.

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Exercise & Wellness

Freeze-Storage Egg Banking May Lengthen Fertility

Anyone who’s struggled with infertility knows the anxiety associated with that ever-present threat of the “ticking clock”. There are many reasons women delay pregnancy these days, be it for a career, relationships, or illness. We’ve been told numerous times by doctors (and nosy family or friends) that after age 35 fertility declines at an accelerated rate.

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Fertility Terms Commonly Used in Assisted Reproduction

Learning many new terms, words, and care options during fertility treatments can seem overwhelming. Understanding what different services mean can help you to feel more informed, comfortable, and in control of your treatment. Our Connecticut fertility center is focused on personalized one-on-one care, and our goal is to help you feel confident during the time that we partner with you to achieve your fertility goals.

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Breast Cancer Risks are Not Increased by Fertility Treatments, Finds Study

According to a new study published this month in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers, and Prevention, women who used clomiphene citrate (Clomid) or gonadotropins during fertility treatments showed no increased risk of developing breast cancer than women who took no fertility medications at all. That’s great news for women who are considering fertility treatments but who were previously concerned about whether the commonly used fertility drugs would increase their risk of cancer.

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Eating for a Healthy Pregnancy

There is a lot of good advice to be found on the Internet about what you should eat before, during, and after a pregnancy. And while there is not a specific food that will cure infertility, there are plenty of foods that may help your body prepare for pregnancy, and in some cases even improve fertility measures.

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Fertility Nutrition

The Facts About Egg Donation: What Donors and Patents Need to Know

In 2010, fertility clinics across the nation reported performing over 18,000 procedures using donated eggs- up almost 8,000 procedures since 2000. In earlier years, egg donation was considered by some to be a last resort for becoming pregnant, however, recently more women are choosing egg donation due to its impressive success rates. Egg donation provides an opportunity to experience a healthy pregnancy for women who cannot become pregnant with their own eggs.

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Dr. Andrew Levi Awarded Patient’s Choice

This week Park Avenue Fertility was pleased to learn that Dr. Levi has been awarded his third Patient’s Choice. We would like to thank our wonderful patients for taking the time to rate our office, making this award possible. Park Avenue Fertility’s focus has always been about the treating the patient positively, personally, and effectively,

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Park Avenue Fertility