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Park Avenue Fertility Now a Member of SART

Park Avenue Fertility is pleased to announce that we are now a member of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART). Having joined with this prestigious organization, Park Avenue Fertility will have the continued opportunity to make strides and improve industry standards for assisted reproduction.

What is SART?
SART is a society of professionals focused on the practice of assisted reproductive technologies.

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Park Avenue Fertility

Predicting and Improving Your Ovulation Cycle

Ovulation is a key factor in fertility; knowing if you’re ovulating, when you’re ovulating, and if your eggs are healthy are all aspects that can help improve overall fertility and your chance of experiencing a healthy pregnancy. Timing ovulation is different for every women and factors like irregular periods, stress, illness, and medication can all disrupt normal ovulation.

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National Endometriosis Awareness Month and Your Health

National Endometriosis Awareness Month takes place around the world in March and provides a chance for educators, doctors, and community service providers to raise awareness about this often painful disease that affects more than 6 million women across the United States and millions more across the globe. Although many women attribute Endometriosis with painful cramps during menses,

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Exercise & Wellness Fertility

Utilizing Support Groups During Fertility Treatments

It’s not uncommon that many patients who are experiencing infertility feel alone in their journey to get pregnant. However, for many couples support groups offer a chance to receive answers to questions, manage stresses, and share the emotions you may feel while undergoing treatment. At Park Avenue Fertility, we believe that the emotions you may feel do not have to detract from the experience of treating infertility and the hope you can feel for a success.

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Exercise & Wellness

Does Stress Really Effect Fertility Treatments?

One of the most frustrating pieces of advice a couple can receive while experiencing infertility is to “just relax and you’ll get pregnant soon enough.” Although the comment is usually well meaning and meant to help, those kinds of comments can make a person feel that the stress they may be experience while trying to conceive is just another factor to why they’re not yet pregnant.

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Time is of the Essence

Said to be the most valuable commodity of our days, time is definitely one of the decisive factors when it comes to fertility treatments. Considering busy lifestyles, it is understandable that aspiring parents may be concerned with how much time they will have to invest in their fertility treatment and how soon they will see the results.

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Patient Success Stories & Giving Thanks

For over ten years Dr. Andrew Levi of Park Avenue Fertility has been working with patients struggling with infertility. Dr. Levi has affected many lives in a unique way, giving people the ultimate gift of a precious new life. Over the years he has treated numerous cases. Behind each case number there are poignant stories of hope and fulfillment,

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Park Avenue Fertility

Health & Wellness Part 2: Nutrition, Exercise & Fertility

Infertility is a complex issue, and it needs to be addressed on many levels simultaneously. To ensure ultimate results, Dr. Andrew Levi of Park Avenue Fertility focuses on his patients’ health in addition to medically treating infertility. He believes that every aspect of a patient’s life needs to be examined and, if necessary, adjusted, in order to achieve success in treatment.Today we would like to focus on the relationship between wellness and infertility.

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Exercise & Wellness